I presented to my team two websites that I think have great information: Click on the Sellers tab and then click on Our Marketing Action Plan. This is a great plan which states everything they will do when they get a listing. This is a really good marketing tool but is also a great way to hold Realtors accountable to what they promise to do. Click on the Buyers tab and then click on Home Buying Process. This gives a 22-Step Home Buying Process which simplifies the process so that the buyer knows exactly what to expect each step of the way. Fantastic. Really good information, and it really makes our job as Realtors easy because we have prepared them from the beginning to know what to expect. They do a fantastic job with videos. Click on NG Seller Resources. They have the clients write up bullet points about what is so great about their homes. Then they have them write a personal letter talking about their home and the...