Show Up

I love spin class.  It is beneficial for me physically, emotionally and spiritually.  It is extremely therapeutic.  Over the next few blogs, I will use what I learn in spin class and apply it to business.  Today while I was spinning, the instructor yelled to us over loud music, “Do you see these empty bikes?  You decided to show up today.  Someone else decided to sleep in.  You are already one step ahead of them.”  

The real estate market has been difficult over the past several years.  While business is improving, it is still not as easy as it was 10 years ago when pretty much anyone could buy a home because lenders gave money freely.  I doubt we will ever see that kind of market again, and I am grateful.  While I enjoyed the ease of the transaction and, of course, the financial benefit, I did not have to push myself to be successful like I have over the past several years.  I have learned so much more about the industry and how to be a Realtor.  Trials bring growth.  However, the only way trials bring growth is by showing up.  

I asked a broker when I first started out in the business, “What makes a Realtor successful?”  He said, “You have to show up to work every day.”  That is the first step. If you show up, just like showing up in spin class, you will be one step ahead of everyone else.  It is a competitive market now more than ever.  The number of those getting their real estate license is growing. You must show up to work every day. You wouldn’t expect to progress physically if all you did when you showed up to spin class is sit on your bike and not move your legs.  You have to move your legs and increase the tension each time you go in order to progress.  In business, you must do things that are uncomfortable to progress.  You must step out of that comfort zone and make phone calls to your sphere of influence and ask them for referrals, call on For Sale By Owner signs or expired listings to try to get them to list their home with you.  

At the end of spin class, you walk out of there a little wobbly because you pushed hard!  That feels good!  It does not feel good to walk out of there and feel like you did when you arrived (tired and weak).  Don’t just show up AT work today - show up TO work today!  At the end of the day, you may feel a little warn out, but you will be stronger and ready to start another day tomorrow.


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