
Showing posts from February, 2017

This is Easy . . .

I go to a gym where we have semi-private training sessions. There are never more than 6 people in a group. Yesterday, we had four people. The goal is to get your brain to use muscles it has forgotten about. Our trainer, Theresa Adams Ford, the owner of Fitness Level 10, was asking us to do something I had never done before. I tried it and failed, and immediately thought I can't do this, this is hard. I tried again and failed, tried again and failed. Theresa stopped us and told us to make it easy. She told us to say,  "this is easy" and then make it easy. I said "this is easy" out loud and thought to myself, "make it easy". I did it!!  What changed? My mindset. My brain engaged with the muscles because I allowed it to. I did it over and over again. In fact, I did it every time I tried! In the book, The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor, he talks about an experiment performed by some Japanese Researchers who blindfolded a group of students and told