
Showing posts from January, 2017


I presented to my team two websites that I think have great information: Click on the Sellers tab and then click on Our Marketing Action Plan. This is a great plan which states everything they will do when they get a listing. This is a really good marketing tool but is also a great way to hold Realtors accountable to what they promise to do. Click on the Buyers tab and then click on Home Buying Process.  This gives a 22-Step Home Buying Process which simplifies the process so that the buyer knows exactly what to expect each step of the way. Fantastic. Really good information, and it really makes our job as Realtors easy because we have prepared them from the beginning to know what to expect. They do a fantastic job with videos. Click on NG Seller Resources.  They have the clients write up bullet points about what is so great about their homes. Then they have them write a personal letter talking about their home and the memories

Exercise is Not an Option for Entrepreneurs - Four Easy Steps to a Successful Exercise Routine

Being an entrepreneur requires focus and energy. The best way to achieve energy and mental clarity is through a daily exercise routine. Exercise is not an easy habit to develop. We all know that it is good for us, but it is difficult to get started and even to continue once we start the habit. Here are some tips that will help you. 1. Prepare the night before by laying out your workout clothes or sleeping in them. 2. Get to bed early enough to get 7-8 hours of sleep. 3. As you are laying in bed, repeat to yourself several times. “I will get up when the alarm goes off no matter what” This means that even if you didn’t sleep well, it is raining or cold outside or you are just too tired, you will get up. No matter what!!  No excuses!! No snooze button!! 4. As you are falling asleep, visualize over and over the alarm going off, you reaching over and turning it off, getting out of bed, washing your face, drinking a glass of warm water, brushing your teeth


I have found that the best way to communicate with my Realtors is through a Secret Facebook Group. You can make a Facebook Group easily by clicking on the down arrow button to the far right of the top Facebook Task Bar. Go down to Create Group and click on that. Choose which label best describes your group – in this case, it would probably be “Connect and Share”. In the next screen, name your group and choose the privacy settings.   This picture describes your choices. I prefer my brokerage Facebook Group to be secret because I don’t want any one to be able to find it in a search. The last thing you do is click Create. Now you can use this to communicate with your Realtors. You can post local real estate statistics, articles, links to podcasts, information such as reminders for office meetings, new listings or listings coming on soon, accolades for your Realtors, etc. I feel like this is hands down the best, quickest and easiest way to com

BROKER TRAINING: The Anatomy of a Successful Realtor

Ask your Realtors to list attributes of a successful Realtor. These can be personality traits, physical traits, what their day looks like, values, hours they work, work ethics, etc. After they describe the ideal Realtor then ask for names of who they think are the best Realtors in town and then add more attributes. Discuss which of the attributes listed they have or could have. Discuss what they could do to become the ideal Realtor. For the next meeting, call each of the Realtors they mentioned and ask them what makes them successful. What is their daily routine, etc. You will be surprised how many of them will talk to you. People generally enjoy talking about themselves. If you start out saying that their name was mentioned by other Realtors as one of the most successful Realtors in town, they will most likely be flattered and will talk with you. After you get the information from them, discuss what they said at your next office meeting. When I did this, some of t