
Showing posts from November, 2014

What Motivates You - The Chase or Being Chased?

Another spin class life lesson.  While spinning, the trainer yells out, "Do you like to be chased and in the lead of other bikes or do you like to be the one chasing to push you to pass them up.  Whichever it is, get that in your head and push harder!"  It was an easy answer for me.  I prefer to be the one in the lead, so I imagined them coming up on me - hearing their heavy breathing and pushed harder to get a bigger lead. Does this apply to the way I run my business? In many ways it does.  While I don't tend to compete with others in this business, I definitely compete with myself.  Each year I set a goal of how many transactions I wish to close.  I like to have a big lead in the first and second quarters so that I don't have to push so hard in the last quarters.  If I reach my goal in the first three months, then it motivates me to push harder to see how far over the goal I can go. In other aspects, when I see others exceeding my sales, it motivates me to se