Broker Training: Think Outside the Box

Boxes – most of us are metaphorically put in boxes our whole life. Sometimes we put ourselves in those boxes, other times people put us in boxes. We are often told how to behave, act and think. At our office meeting, I drew boxes on the white board and had people name things that would go into a box. They came up with things like: Religion, relationships, how to clean, how to dress, speech, work, driving, manners, school, etc. We then talked about how some people like to be put in a box so that they know exactly what is expected of them. It makes them feel safe. Others don’t like to be put in a box because it makes them feel trapped or doesn’t allow for the creativity they crave. I tend to be someone that doesn’t like to be put in a box. However, if I build my own box, then I am okay being in the box. I feel like these are the best boxes for everyone. We need to know what we want our boxes to look like, and feel like. If we are comfortable in our box, we will th...